


๐ Exciting News for Royals Athletics Fans! ๐
We are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand-new website! **What's New:**๐ Modern and User-Friendly Interface๐ Improved Navigation for Easy Access๐ Brand New Calendar Layout๐ธ Stunning Visuals and GalleriesClick this link to learn more about the site.
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Benefits of Athletic Participation
Research is out supporting the following benefits of participation in school athletic programs: * Higher grade point average than non-athletes. Also higher for multiple-sport athletes compared to single-season athletes * Better daily attendance – more time in classroom * Higher graduation rates. Lower dropout rates * Fewer discipline referrals & suspensions * Higher scores on standardized test * Positive effect on future career earnings * Females lower risk of breast cancer, osteoporosis & heart disease * Less depression & more positive body image for females * Better study habits * Less likely to use illegal substances * Lower teen pregnancy rates * More likely to continue with physical fitness in adult life * More likely to attend & complete college * Strong predictor of success in adult life * Stronger leadership skills * Trained in teamwork & cooperation * Promotes citizenship & sportsmanship
More About Benefits of Athletic Participation